
Meeting will be on Saturday August 8th, at 1600 CET ( 1000 AM EST )
If you cannot make it.. let me know please.

Community Moderators

These users can help you in case you have any questions regarding the community or have problems with other users like harassment or spam.
thriXXX rules are enforced by administrators and moderators who have the right to limit, suspend or terminate any account. Incidents are evaluated on a case by case basis. Users can appeal by contacting the lead moderator or submitting a ticket to the support team.
@ErikaN (Lead Moderator)

COMMUNITY HELPERS are available to assist players, normally found in beginner room for Chathouse.

@DreamDancing Sexvilla2 Creating
@skar123 Sexvilla2
@DiMitris_ Chathouse
@Carol18 Chathouse
@Avarice115 Chathouse Room Editing
@MckenzieLee Chathouse
@Brenda90 Chathouse
@Betty_Ramone Chathouse
@Marrishka SV2 / Chathouse Creation / Textures
@alex_denton Chathouse
@JaynieP Chathouse

#ErikaN #Volunteers

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