Iron Smasher


  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Bi Sexual
  • Nationality: United States
  • Age: 31
  • Sign: Libra
  • Occupation: instructor
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: reserved
  • Base model: Oxana
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Adeline de la Hire is a superhero better known as Iron Smasher. She is quite experienced within the community, first rising to prominence under the name of Ethereal Titan. She was something of a “generic” hero in terms of power, with enhance strength and toughness as well as flight. But then came the Cataclysm, an invasion by extradimensional entities. GE City was the epicenter of the crisis, and she fell in battle. But she didn’t die, but rather was in a coma and her body was severely damaged. St. Pierre Applied Technologies stepped in, offering to use experimental technology to rebuild her and wake her from the coma, free of charge. Her estate agreed, and three months later, she awoke with a new mostly cybernetic body. However, she came out different. The bubbly moralist was gone, replaced with a guileful, seemingly apathetic cyborg. However, in gratitude to the late CEO, she took Camille under her wing and mentored her as a superhero. Many of her colleagues are standoffish towards her now, but Camille readily defends her mentor, explaining that Iron Smasher’s new attitude (which Camille refers to as “tranquillo”) is the result of the trauma of almost dying. She simply doesn’t have a sense of urgency anymore, and it is normal for people to become reserved after her experiences. At the end of the day, she is still the caring individual that she used to be, she just expresses it in a different way. Indeed, she is extremely protective of Camille, and the quickest way to infuriate Adelina is to attack Camille. She is accepting of her new life, and has drawn her true friends closer, and has become close to the denizens of the Babylon Club, especially Arcill. What she doesn’t tell anyone is that she is curious to see how fully functional her new body is. Eyes, location, and clothing by @DreamDancer, poses by @dragonfyre
subatomicweasel Level 135 Offline |
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