Emma Doane


  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Bi Sexual
  • Nationality: United States
  • Age: 24
  • Sign: Gemini
  • Occupation: pornstar
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: fun-loving
  • Base model: Kate
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The youngest of five siblings, Emma Doane was born into a religiously conservative family in Montana. A free spirit by nature, she chaffed at the restrictions that her parents put into place and bitterly resented their unreasonably tight control over every aspect of her life, down to being banned from having male friends. She was told that she had to dress modestly, as it was her responsibility to prevent her male peers from having impure thoughts about her. Of course, as a teen she was as rebellious as to be expected, but an ill fated attempt to change her clothes into something more revealing taught her to bide her time until she became an adult. Upon graduation from high school, she joined the US Marine Corps to spite her parents, while twisting the knife by coming out as bisexual to them on the way out the door. During the four years that she served, she gained a reputation for her partying and fist fighting while paradoxically being quite friendly and bubbly. It didn’t hurt that she looks the way that she does and was on the easy side, either. After her four years, she got out and started attending GEU. Unfortunately, her continued partying and drinking soon outpaced her income from the GI Bill, and she needed a second source of income. While she had considered going to work for one of the many strip clubs that she frequented, one of her favorite dancers suggested that Emma go into porn instead, reasoning that she could make more money that way. She followed that advice, and she still doesn’t regret it two years later. She’s found that it does indeed pay well enough for her needs, she gets to do her favorite activity professionally, indulge in her exhibitionist streak, AND it continues to piss off her parents. In her short career, she’s made her mark with her colleagues with her outgoing personality raising morale and her combat experience earning her a side gig as set security when she’s not filming. She’s been noted to be especially enthusiastic when it plays into her kinks: lesbian, interracial, and/or group sex. Recently, she started her own channel on a popular streaming site to get paid directly, occasionally hosting contests for her fans that allow the winner to costar in a video with her. Mod free for your fapping convenience, and poses by @Philopyge
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