Templar Archives 2

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Templar Archives 2

BIO Name: Ennike Luise Schäfer Birthplace: Königsberg, Kingdom of Prussia Profession: Assassin, soldier Pref Weapon: Custom magazine fed Spencer rifle, hidden blade My Lord, as requested the files on the Prussian Assassin Ennike have been found. There is little known about her early life except that the Prussian Templar order sent her to the United States of America to to destroy Illuminati interests. It is notable that she was the youngest assassin in our order, being only a teen when she was sent on her mission. The American Civil War was a massive hunting ground for her. Pretending to be a man she served alongside Confederates sharpshooters and dispatched Illuminati agents within Confederate ranks. At the Battle of Gettysburg she mingled with Union forces and killed Illuminati agents within their ranks and for the rest of the war she fought in the Union ranks until the end of the war. Confederate victory did not benefit Templar goals and our old enemy the French had been backing them. After the American Civil War, Templar Grand Master Otto Von Bismark recalled her back to fight in the Wars of German Unification. In the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 Ennike fought as a Jaegar and dispatched rogue elements of the Austrian Templar order. During peacetime she assassinated those Bismark thought a problem. The last records of her begin during the Franco Prussian war where she accompanied the German Army and suffered a wound that lasted her the rest of the war. With German Unification complete, the German Empire declared and French power laid low Templar goals were met. Ennike served as a mentor to future assassins afterwards. It is notable that Otto Von Bismark ordered Ennike to assassinate the German Emperor Frederick III due to his fears of his reforms. After this she simply disappears from history. Most likely transferring to the British Templars.


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