
Ark Corporation - building a brighter future, today. The Ark corporation currently holds major control over the energy and water supply in GE and across the globe. It also controls vast swats of the multimedia networks. (think internet lines, radio towers, television towers,satellite uplinks, mobile phone towers, ...) Ark corporation is a new company that hit the world like a ton of bricks in taking over sectors. Not much is known of the company yet, And certainly not its motives. Right now they have vastly improved all three sectors for both the client and the service providers. Ark corporation tries to keep a tight lid on everything that goes on internally, but everything has leaks... *************** this is the main office location texture for Ark corporation, it features: - the CEO office. - Main server room. - personnal assitant and secretary desk of the CEO - waiting area to see the CEO ****************** GECOM STORY ESSENTIALS (this is kind of like roleplaying guidelines for your stories) - So far it has not been revealed to the public that Cally Aight is the CEO of Ark corporation. It is very hard to find out who runs the company, but a good nosy reporter or a very good spy would be able to get that information. - the server room holds data, if you want to know what kind of data for a story ark, send me a PM - there is a loaded shotgun under the secretarys desk - there is a panic button in both the secretarys desk and the CEOs desk. - the Chief of security is Darrel cop killer cohen. AKA the guild master of the thieves and assassins guild. (who better right ? ) - Anna Febrousi is the Head of PR at Ark Corporations. - Olivia Renfield is the personal assistant and secretary of the Ark corp. CEO.

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